
Tuesday, 11 December 2012

Across the Crosscut Saw

View to the Viking
Dinner on the way! It’s been an epic day’s walking - not many kilometres but a good six hour slog, plus a bit extra to fetch water at the end. I set off at 8:35am with around three litres of water - ended up being more than enough with careful rationing. Things were easy enough through to the Mount Howitt turn-off - I came across the New Zealand couple on the way down from the summit as I was heading up. Nice views from the top, plus mobile phone reception (probably due to a tower on Mount Buller to the west), so I sent Nadia a couple of texts. I’m already looking forward to getting home to her and our lovely life together.

Crosscut Saw from Mount Howitt
The sun has just dipped below the summit of Mount Speculation behind me - I’ll be in the shadows until dawn.

After Howitt, it was the Crosscut Saw - what a slog. The trickiest bits were the steep descents - it was a stroke of genius bringing a trekking pole, made quite a difference. Spectacular views the whole way of course. My anxiety from this morning has pretty well dissipated - I’m still out of my usual comfort zone but I’m feeling mostly good about it.

Alpine daisies, Mount Howitt
The next two days sound quite challenging and at some point, it’ll be quicker continuing than admitting defeat and turning around. A couple of points in the walk notes sound a tad intimidating but if that comes up tomorrow and I don’t feel safe continuing, I can always come back here.

The Razor from the Crosscut Saw
Summit of Mount Buggery
So, the Saw led to Mount Buggery, at the top of which I met the New Zealand couple again - they had wisely decided not to go on to Mount Speculation and were just leaving to head back to Macallister Springs. I had lunch and continued via the Horrible Gap to Mount Speculation - a couple of slightly scary rock faces to scale but nothing more of note. The camp site here is northeast of the summit and is just brilliant - except that it took about an hour’s roundtrip to find and fetch water from Camp Creek. On the way there, I encountered a nice little juvenile tiger snake basking in the sunshine on the path - gave it a wide berth as it didn't appear to have any inclination to move away. Thankfully only the sixth-most venemous snake in the world!

There is no longer 4WD access to the summit of Mount Speculation, unlike last time I was here in the 90s - a massive improvement!

Friendly tiger snake
This way please!
More alpine flowers
Taking it easy!
I forgot to mention that that crow hanging around my camp site at Macallister Springs nicked an unopened packet of two-minute noodles from my food bag this morning and managed, with some difficulty, to airlift it off the knoll I was camped on, never to be seen again!

I’m completely alone up here and feel just great about it. My back is sore, as it was at Wilsons Prom, but I think I’ll sleep OK, especially with my new pillow system (pack underneath to raise it)!

Mount Speculation camp site

Macallister Springs

At Macallister Springs
An absolutely perfect morning at Macallister Springs campsite. Pit toilet here an unexpected luxury - with view! I slept reasonably well but was a little cold - I’ll have to organise my sleeping bag a little better tonight. The walk in yesterday was through snowgum forest.

I have to be honest - I’ve been feeling a bit anxious about this walk - no specific reason, just a general feeling. In hindsight, this is a big jump up from zero wilderness over the past few years, with only a couple of nights at the very tame Prom a couple of weeks ago as warm-up. I’m just going to take it very slowly and carefully. I do want to “connect” to my surroundings whilst here, though - I hope I can, in spite of feeling a bit on edge.

I had a lovely half hour or so sitting with Nadia in the sunshine in our backyard before I left - I miss her now , and our lovely warm home full of togetherness.

A young New Zealand couple, living in Melbourne, are here too and are planning the Crosscut Saw return walk today - as I did all those years ago! It’s actually been nice to have some company, especially such nice people.

My body and mind are on high alert for the days ahead, even though they don’t need to be!

It’s so quiet here! Just a few buzzing flies, a cicada, an occasional bird call. No wind at the moment.

I tried to leave my details at Heyfield Police Station on the way here but there was no one there and their call button didn’t work! And my car navigation tried to send me on dirt road before I even got to Heyfield or Licola so I ended up ignoring it. The drive from Licola to Howitt Plains was no problem - a few nasty potholes but nothing more. The drop-offs on the side of the road were unnerving at times - I solved it by hugging the hillside on the other side of the road.

The sunshine this morning is lovely and warming. There’s a large crow plodding around my campsite, keeping me company.

The Crosscut Saw - where I'm heading!
OK, time to get things going!